Our Parish is a Safe Environment for Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults
The Diocese of Venice is committed to protecting children, youth and vulnerable adults. Together, and with God’s help, we can continue to promote a culture of openness and awareness, and a commitment to safety within our Church and in the larger community.
As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and trained in Safe Environment. For further information, visit the Diocesan website at www.dioceseofvenice.org/safeenvironment.
A report must be made immediately to the Florida Department of Children and Families of any sexual abuse. The Abuse Hotline # is 1-800-962-2873. A report must also be made to the Victim Assistance Coordinator of the Diocese of Venice, Susan Benton at (941) 416-6114.
Safe Environment Training for Children and Teens
As part of the Church’s commitment to keep children and teens safe, St. Therese Parish provides a session for students, on an annual basis, to help them remain safe from abusive situations. Safe environment training allows children and teens to become aware of their own bodies in both the physical and spiritual sense. It provides them someone with whom they feel safe and can trust to tell, and instills in them the knowledge that they can receive help without feeling guilt or shame if they do tell. It is part of this parish’s religious education program.
The lesson includes the following: a reflection from the Catechism of the Catholic Church; a goal, including expected learning outcomes; an overview for creating a successful learning experience; key vocabulary words and definitions that apply to the lesson; activities, with instructions; a closing prayer that reflects the key message of the lesson.
We are partners with parents in giving children information so they can tell someone if they are harmed or in danger of being harmed and can assist in their own self-protection. Together we minimize the risk of all child abuse, especially child sexual abuse.
All of the components of the Safe Environment program are designed to help the students have a meaningful learning experience.