Browsing News Entries

Browsing News Entries

Reviving Matrimony - How Parish Efforts Can Boost Marriage Rates

The Catholic Church must focus on parish-level initiatives to address the sharp decline in marriage rates among its faithful, mirroring a broader societal trend. Catholic marriage rates plummeted by about 70% between 1969 and 2019, according to Georgetown University's Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. This decline parallels a national trend, with Pew Research data showing a record 25% of 40-year-olds in the U.S. having never been married.

Pope Francis Calls for Ethical AI to Protect Human Dignity

Pope Francis urged artificial intelligence leaders on Wednesday to "protect human dignity in this new era of machines."

Vatican Approves New Marian Apparitions

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has officially approved the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Pierina Gilli, an Italian visionary, which occurred in 1947 and 1966.

5 Reasons Going To Church Is Important (even on days you feel like you can skip)

Sometimes, we let life become too busy and too complicated. It becomes difficult to make time for God and the Church. Things like family functions, schoolwork, house cleaning, kid's activities can become overwhelming and overshadow your need to attend Church. While these are all good, valuable life activities, it's important you don't let them take away from church attendance. Remember, what God says is important.

New German Law Establishes 'Buffer Zones' Around Abortion Facilities

In a concerning development that is sparking intense debate across Germany, the federal Parliament passed a new law on Friday to enforce 100-meter "buffer zones" around abortion facilities. The legislation, known as the Pregnancy Conflict Act (Schwangerschaftskonfliktgesetz), aims to shield pregnant women from perceived "sidewalk harassment" by pro-life activists near counseling centers and abortion providers.

Independence Day: The Fourth of July Invites us to Ask - What Truths Do We Still Hold?

The promise of the Declaration of the Declaration of Independence cries out for those who believe in its promise to stand up for its true meaning and work to restore the unique experiment in ordered liberty which it offers for future generations. Like millions throughout the United States of America, my family will pause to thank God for the privilege of living in this Nation. My wife and I are in Bothel, Washington, visiting our son, daughter in law and two of our six ...

A Message From Us to All Faithful Catholics

As Catholics, we share many concerns for our Church. Young people leaving and never returning, the decline of vocations, priests that speak their opinions rather than the Gospel, the cost of Catholic education, and more. Despite the present concern, there is good news for our Church!

Archaeologists discover ivory box depicting Moses receiving the Ten Commandments

Archaeologists just made a groundbreaking discovery of a significant religious relic adorned with Christian motifs inside a marble shrine of an early church in Austria. The 1,500-year-old ivory box features intricate scenes, including Moses receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, along with depictions of saints and the ascension of Christ.

5 Biblical Warnings We All Must Heed

A warning is put in place to alert a person of any possible or impending danger or negative circumstances. A warning can be seen as cautionary advice, and advance notice of something that is coming. However you look at it, warnings are usually important signs to pay attention to.

Have Fun and Make a Difference: Win Exciting Items at YCVF's Fundraising Auctions!

At Your Catholic Voice Foundation (YCVF), our mission is simple yet profound: to provide a FREE world-class Catholic education for anyone, anywhere. In a time when the accessibility of Catholic education is threatened by rising costs and fewer schools, we stand committed to making quality Catholic education available to all.